m-irreducible numerical semigroups
Maps on Divisor Class Groups Induced by Ring Homomorphisms of Finite Flat Dimension
Maps on ultrametric spaces, Hensel's Lemma, and differential equations over valued fields
Markov bases for noncommutative Fourier analysis of ranked data
Mathieu Subspaces of Univariate Polynomial Algebras
Matlis duals of top Local Cohomology Modules
Maximal Cohen-Macaulay Modules over the Affine Cone of the Simple Node
Maximal divisorial ideals and t-maximal ideals
Maximal minors and linear powers
Maximal Representations of Elements in Numerical Semigroups
Maximally differential ideals in regular local rings
Mennicke symbols, K-cohomology and a Bass-Kubota theorem
Minimal Betti Numbers
Minimal Canonical Comprehensive Groebner Systems
Minimal free resolution of a finitely generated module over a regular local ring
Minimal free resolutions and asymptotic behavior of multigraded regularity
Minimal free resolutions for certain affine monomial curve
Minimal generating sets for the first syzygies of a monomial ideal
Minimal Generators for Symmetric Ideals
Minimal generators of the defining ideal of the Rees Algebra associated to monoid parametrizations