A universal property of the monoidal 2-category of cospans of finite linear orders and surjections
A-infinity-bimodules and Serre A-infinity-functors
Abelian 1-Calabi-Yau Categories
Abelian categories and definable additive categories
Abelian categories arising from a maximal $n$-orthogonal subcategory
Abelian categories in dimension 2
Abelian Categories of Modules over a (Lax) Monoidal Functor
Abelian categories versus abelian 2-categories
Abelian Groups in omega-categories
Abelian hereditary fractionally Calabi-Yau categories
About the globular homology of higher dimensional automata
Abstract elementary classes and accessible categories
Abstract sectional category
Abstraction and Application in Adjunction
Actors in categories of interest
Additive closed symmetric monoidal structures on R-modules
Adjoint Functors and Heteromorphisms
Adjoint functors and triangulated categories
Adjunctions between Boolean spaces and skew Boolean algebras
Admissibility, stable units and connected components