Touchard like polynomials and generalized Stirling numbers
Tours de torseurs, geometrie differentielle des suites de fibres principaux, et theorie des cordes
Towards "dynamic domains": totally continuous cocomplete Q-categories
Towards a homotopy theory of higher dimensional transition systems
Towards an axiomatization of the theory of higher categories
Traces in monoidal categories
Traces in symmetric monoidal categories
Triangulated Structures for projective Modules
Trichromatic Open Digraphs for Understanding Qubits
Two kinds of derived categories, Koszul duality, and comodule-contramodule correspondence
Two polygraphic presentations of Petri nets
Type theory and homotopy
Understanding the small object argument
Unital ${A}_\infty$-categories
Universal coefficient theorem in triangulated categories
Universal models and definability
Universal Properties of Some Quivers
Varieties defined by natural transformations
Vertically Iterated Classical Enrichment
Volume form as volume of infinitesimal simplices