The logic of message passing
The low-dimensional structures formed by tricategories
The Maximality of Cartesian Categories
The Maximality of the Typed Lambda Calculus and of Cartesian Closed Categories
The monoidal centre as a limit
The nonabelian bar resolution
The omega-Categories Associated With Products of Infinite-Dimensional Globes
The parallel composition of processes
The Partial Simplicial Category and Algebras for Monads
The periodic table of $n$-categories for low dimensions II: degenerate tricategories
The periodic table of n-categories for low dimensions I: degenerate categories and degenerate bicategories
The Quotient of a Category by the Action of a Monoidal Category
The Relation between Ann-Categories and Ring Categories
The simplicial interpretation of bigroupoid 2-torsors
The spectrum of prime ideals in tensor triangulated categories
The structure of double groupoids
The ternary commutator obstruction for internal crossed modules
The theory of opetopes via Kelly-Mac Lane graphs
The three dimensions of proofs
The topology of syntax relations of a formal language