A characterization theorem for geometric logic
A Coboundary Morphism For The Grothendieck Spectral Sequence
A construction of 2-cofiltered bilimits of topoi
A construction of 2-filtered bicolimits of categories
A construction of quotient A_infinity-categories
A construction of relatively pure submodules
A construction of semisimple tensor categories
A convenient category for directed homotopy
A Cubical Set Approach to 2-Bundles with Connection and Wilson Surfaces
A derivability criterion based on the existence of adjunctions
A diagrammatic approach to Hopf monads
A duality Hopf algebra for holomorphic N=1 special geometries
A Duality of Quantale-Enriched Categories
A folk model structure on omega-cat
A Full and faithful Nerve for 2-categories
A general theory of self-similarity
A generalization of Gabriel's Galois covering functors II: 2-categorical Cohen-Montgomery duality
A generalization of The Dress construction for a Tambara functor, and polynomial Tambara functors
A Guided Tour in the Topos of Graphs
A Hall-Fusion Bialgebra