The Eckman-Hilton argument and higher operads
The Eilenberg-Moore category and a Beck-type theorem for a Morita context
The etale groupoid of an inverse semigroup as a groupoid of filters
The Euler characteristic of a category
The Euler characteristic of a category as the sum of a divergent series
The Euler characteristic of infinite acyclic categories with filtrations
The Euler characteristics of categories and the barycentric subdivision
The Expectation Monad
The factor set of Gr-categories of the type $(Π,A)$
The formal theory of monoidal monads
The formal theory of Tannaka duality
The fundamental Gray 3-groupoid of a smooth manifold and local 3-dimensional holonomy based on a 2-crossed module
The fundamental pro-groupoid of an affine 2-scheme
The fundamental progroupoid of a general topos
The fusion algebra of bimodule categories
The geometric realization of a simplicial Hausdorff space is Hausdorff
The geometry of oriented cubes
The Glueing Construction and Double Categories
The Gorenstein defect category
The Herbrand Topos