Spans in 2-Categories: A monoidal tricategory
Spectra of small abelian categories
Spherical functors
Stable Infinity Categories
Stack semantics and the comparison of material and structural set theories
State monads and their algebras
Stratifying triangulated categories
Strengthening track theories
Strict $\infty $-categories. Concrete Duality
Strict 2-Groups are Crossed Modules
Strict 2-toposes
Strict Gr-categories and applications on classification of extensions of groups of the type of a crossed module
Strictification of categories weakly enriched in symmetric monoidal categories
Structure of Ann-categories
Structure of Ann-Categories
Structure of Ann-categories and Mac Lane - Shukla cohomology
Structures in higher-dimensional category theory
Subgroupoids and Quotient Theories - Two applications of Moerdijk's site description for equivariant sheaf toposes
Subobjects of the successive power objects in the topos G-Set
Subtoposes of the Effective Topos