On Gr-Functors between Gr-Categories: Obstruction theory for Gr-Functors of the type $(\varphi,f)$
On homotopy varieties
On Ideals and Homology in Additive Categories
On indexed actions
On Infinity Topoi
On lifting stable diagrams in Frobenius categories
On monads of exact reflective localizations of Abelian categories
On monoidal equivalences and Ann-equivalences
On monoidal functors between (braided) Gr-categories
On monomorphic topological functors with finite supports
On ordered face structures and many-to-one computads
On Parity Complexes and Non-abelian Cohomology
On partita doppia
On perfectly generating projective classes in triangulated categories
On proper and exterior sequentiality
On pseudocategories in a category with a 2-cell structure
On Rational Pairings of Functors
On Regular Closure Operators and Cowellpowered Subcategories
On semiflexible, flexible and pie algebras
On Tannaka Duality