A model structure on the category of small categories for coverings
A monoidal structure on the category of relative Hopf modules
A non-commutative generalization of Stone duality
A noncommutative theory of Penrose tilings
A note on cohomological localization
A note on compactly generated co-t-structures
A Note on Surjective Inverse Systems
A note on the "Smith is Huq" condition
A note on the composition product of symmetric sequences
A Note on the Grothendieck Group of an Additive Category
A note on the Penon definition of $n$-category
A note on thick subcategories of stable derived categories
A presentation of the category of stochastic matrices
A process algebra for the Span(Graph) model of concurrency
A Quillen model category structure on some categories of comonoids
A Quillen model structure for Gray-categories
A relationship between trees and Kelly-Mac Lane graphs
A relative Yoneda Lemma (manuscript)
A remark on a theorem by Deligne
A remark on the additivity of traces in triangulated categories