Greedy routing on networks of mobile agents
Greedy Sequential Maximal Independent Set and Matching are Parallel on Average
Greedy Set Cover Estimations
Greek Archaeomagnetic Intensities: Some Aspects of Reliability and Geophysical Implications
Green Bank Telescope active surface system
Green Cellular - Optimizing the Cellular Network for Minimal Emission from Mobile Stations
Green Cellular Network Deployment To Reduce RF Pollution
Green Cellular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenges
Green Codes: Energy-Efficient Short-Range Communication
Green Modulation in Proactive Wireless Sensor Networks
Green Modulations in Energy-Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks
Green Sunlight
Green: Towards a Pollution-Free Peer-to-Peer Content Sharing Service
GreenCube and RocketCube: Low-Resource Sensorcraft for Atmospheric and Ionospheric Science
GreenCube: A Student Multiple Small Payload Project: A First Step
Greener-batteries cooperation between industry
Greenhouse effect in planetary atmospheres
Greenhouses in extreme environments: The Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse design and operation overview
Greening File Distribution: Centralized or Distributed?
Greenland ice Be-10 concentrations and average precipitation rates north of 40 deg N to 45 deg N.