Gravitational Wave Emission from a Stellar Companion Black Hole in Presence of AN Accretion Disk around a Kerr Black Hole
Gravitational wave emission from the coalescence of white dwarfs
Gravitational Wave Hotspots
Gravitational wave research.
Gravitational waves from double white dwarfs and AM CVn binaries
Gravitational Waves from Millisecond Pulsars
Gravitational waves from relativistic rotational core collapse in axisymmetry
Gravitational waves from solar oscillations - Proposal for a transition-zone test of general relativity
Gravitational waves from the big bang
Gravitational waves in a free isotropic plasma. II
Gravitational Waves of a Lense-Thirring System
Gravitational-radiation experiments
Gravitational-wave chirps: accumulating phase errors due to residual orbital eccentricity.
Gravitational-wave data analysis overview of compact binary searches using waveforms inspired by numerical relativity
Gravitational-wave research with resonant antennas.
Gravitationally Lensed QSOS Augmentation: Cycle 2 Observations
Gravitationally Lensed QSOS Augmentation: Cycle 4 Carryover
Gravitationally squeezed light
Gravitationally unstable protoplanetary disks
Gravitaxis and phototaxis in the flagellate Euglena studied on TEXUS missions