C-enhanced metal poor stars
Cadmium and manganese distributions in the Hudson River estuary: interannual and seasonal variability
CAESAR investigations
Calculated angular distributions of energetic atmospheric neutrons
Calculateur de Points Omega
Calculating Antarctic stratospheric temperature from Special Sensor Microwave Imager and Sounder
Calculation and statistical analysis of fried parameter r0 of astronomical seeing over china
Calculation of auroral emissions from measured electron precipitation - Comparison with observation
Calculation of ionospheric effects due to acoustic radiation from an underground nuclear explosion
Calculation of long-range radio paths by the adiabatic method using a parabolic model of the ionosphere
Calculation of nighttime charged-particle fluxes from the luminescent emitting intensity of atomic oxygen at 6300 A
Calculation of relative ion concentrations at heights of 140-200 km for specific heliogeophysical conditions
Calculation of the density of gamma-ray fluxes above the surfaces of Venus and the earth
Calculation using exact expressions of the generation of electric and magnetic fields in the plane-stratified ionsophere by an acoustic-gravity wave
Calculations of equatorial scintillations at VHF and gigahertz frequencies based on a new model of the disturbed equatorial ionosphere
Calculations of field-aligned current density at high latitudes on the basis of satellite magnetograms
Calibration of a 1 meter diameter normal incidence extreme ultraviolet telescope/spectrometer
Calibration of a ground-based technique to measure water on Jupiter using Galileo/NIMS data
Calibration of a high frequency monostatic acoustic echosounder
Calibration of a neutron telescope and measurement of the neutron spectrum in the upper atmosphere from 70-250 MeV