Update on TPF coronagraph polarization
Update: high-speed/high-volume radiometric testing of Z-technology focal planes
Updated Lunar Gravity Results From Kaguya (SELENE) and Historical Tracking Data
Updated lunar gravity results of Kaguya (SELENE) and new lunar gravimetry by inverse VLBI method for SELENE-2
Updated Overview of COS Performance
Updated Overview of STIS Performance
Updated Status and Performance for the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
Updated Status and Performance for the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph
Updated Status and Performance of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph
Updated Status and Performance of the STIS CCD
Updates to the optical alignment and test plan for the James Webb Space Telescope integrated science instrument module
Upgrade of the Atmospheric Visibility Monitoring system
Upgrading the controller of the fast tip-tilt tertiary mirror for the SOAR Telescope
Upgrading the Haystack radio telescope for operation at 115 GHz.
Uprated fine guidance sensor study
UPSO three channel fast photometer
Urban precipitation extremes: How reliable are regional climate models?
US and European Technology Roadmap for a Mid-infrared Space Interferometer
US in-space electric propulsion experiments
US/CIS integrated NTRE