Ultrahigh-resolution electro-optical framing camera for reconnaissance and other applications using a 9216 x 9216 pixel wafer-scale focal plane array
Ultralightweight galvanic mirrors
Ultralightweight low-temperature fused Zerodur mirror
Ultralightweight mirrors: recent developments of C/SiC
Ultralightweight silicon carbide mirror design
Ultralow-Background Large-Format Bolometer Arrays
Ultrasonic/sonic drilling/coring (USDC) for in-situ planetary applications
Ultrasonic/sonic drilling/coring (USDC) for planetary applications
Ultrastable operation of detectors for high-resolution spectrographs
Ultraviolet absorption studies of the interstellar gas
Ultraviolet Investigations of C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)
Ultraviolet irradiation of naphthalene in H2O ice: Implications for meteorites and biogenesis
Ultraviolet photolysis of amino acids in a 100 K water ice matrix: Application to the outer Solar System bodies
Ultraviolet Spectrograph Concepts for the Europa Jupiter System Missions
Ultraviolet Spectrograph Concepts for the Outer Planet Flagship Mission
Ultraviolet technology III; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, Aug. 10, 11, 1989
Ulysses - first year in flight. Fast track to Jupiter.
Ulysses operations at Jupiter - Planning for the unknown
Uma comparação entre técnicas de propagação de erros em astrofísica: Monte Carlo x Bootstrap
Uncooled amorphous-silicon technology: high-performance achievement and future trends