PARCS-Primary Atomic Reference Clock in Space
Parkes radio science system design and testing for Voyager Neptune encounter
Part 1: Development of the energetic X-ray imaging telescope experiment; and, Part 2: Studies of low-mass X-ray binaries
Part-task simulation of synthetic and enhanced vision concepts for lunar landing
Partial least squares methods for spectrally estimating lunar soil FeO abundance: A stratified approach to revealing nonlinear effect and qualitative interpretation
Partially coherent scattering in stellar chromospheres. II - The first-order escape probability method. III - A second-order probability method
Particle fuel development for solid core space nuclear power
Partnering Science and Engineering: Lessons from Chandra for IXO
Pass-band filter performance for space-flight dark energy missions
Passive and active sensors for autonomous space applications
Passive compensation of gravity flexure in optical instruments
Passive infrared sensors - Limitations on performance
Passive isolator design for jitter reduction in the Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronagraph
Passive thermal control of the NGST
Pathways to NGST
Peculiarities of Estimating the Aircraft Performance Characteristics of the Rocket-and-Space Facilities under Conditions of Fuzzy Data
Pegasus Workflow Management System: Helping Applications From Earth and Space
Perceptible changes in regional precipitation in a future climate
Perfomance of a Remote Raman System: Defining Remote Raman Efficiency
Performability Aspects of the Atlas Vo; Using Lmbench Suite