Laboratory gamma-ray images using the ZEBRA telescope
Laboratory Results in High Contrast Imaging with the Shaped Pupil Coronagraph
Laboratory simulation of cometary dust collection and analysis
Laboratory Testing of a Hard X-Ray Solar Flare Polarimeter
Laboratory testing of a Phase-Induced Amplitude Apodization (PIAA) coronagraph
Laboratory testing of the HEXIS hard x-ray imager balloon telescope
Laboratory tests and scientific performances of the XAA1.2 front-end chip for space applications
Laboratory Tests of a relatively warm 2-D detector array and its application for Airglow Measurements in the ~ 1300 to 1570 nm Region
Laboratory tests of Eddington photometry
Laboratory transition probabilities for Gd II (Den Hartog+, 2006)
LAMOST enclosure and its wind load analysis
LAMOST multi-object spectrographs with asperized gratings
LAMP: a concept for the European Southern Observatory VLTI fringe sensor
Land resource database based on multiple satellites sensors and geographical information systems
Land Surface Temperature Derived from the MSG-SEVIRI Data
Lander flight path analysis
Lander radioscience for obtaining the rotation and orientation of Mars
Landing Site Engineering Constraints
LAPS: the development of a scanning lidar system with GNC for autonomous hazard avoidance and precision landing
Large Active Mirror Program (LAMP)