A CCD spectrograph for the University of Toronto Southern Observatory in Chile
A CCD star sensor for fine pointing control of spaceborne telescopes
A CCD tracker for closed-loop instrument pointing at Halley's comet
A CCD TV camera for telescope guiding
A Cerenkov imaging telescope for high energy gamma rays
A Characterization Of The GNAT SciTech STAR Class 0.5m Prototype Telescope
A Characterization of the SPARC T3-4 System
A charge sensitive preamplifier used to detect lower energy X-ray.
a Chirped-Pulse Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometer Combined with a Laser Ablation Source
A coat-performance model for ground-based optical communications receiving telescopes
A coaxial cable delay system for a synthesis radio telescope
A collection of articles on S/X-band experiment zero delay ranging tests, volume 1
A combined Halley flyby/Galileo mission
A Combined LIFO-Priority Scheme for Overload Control of E-commerce Web Servers
A combined nulling and imaging pupil-plane beam-combiner for DARWIN
A comet nucleus sample return mission
A Compact 3D-tracking Compton Detector - The Nuclear Compton Telescope (NCT) Project
A compact high performance thermal imager
A compact photon-counting imaging system
A compact SADM family