Dynamic Pricing with Limited Supply
Dynamic spectrum sharing game by lease
Dynamics in Near-Potential Games
Dynamics of Boltzmann Q-Learning in Two-Player Two-Action Games
Dynamics of Profit-Sharing Games
E-commerce between a large firm and a SME supplier: a screening model
EcoTRADE - a multi player network game of a tradable permit market for biodiversity credits
Effectiveness of Preference Elicitation in Combinatorial Auctions
Efficiency and Nash Equilibria in a Scrip System for P2P Networks
Efficiency Loss in a Network Resource Allocation Game: The Case of Elastic Supply
Efficiency Loss in Revenue Optimal Auctions
Efficiency of (Revenue-)Optimal Mechanisms
Efficient and Distributed SINR-based Joint Resource Allocation and Base Station Assignment in Wireless CDMA Networks
Efficient computation of approximate pure Nash equilibria in congestion games
Efficient Controller Synthesis for Consumption Games with Multiple Resource Types
Efficient coordination mechanisms for unrelated machine scheduling
Efficient Query Verification on Outsourced Data: A Game-Theoretic Approach
Electrical Vehicles in the Smart Grid: A Mean Field Game Analysis
Eliciting Forecasts from Self-interested Experts: Scoring Rules for Decision Makers
Emergence of cooperation in growing systems with cultural reproduction