Decentralized Knowledge and Learning in Strategic Multi-user Communication
Decision Problems for Nash Equilibria in Stochastic Games
Decompositions of two player games: potential, zero-sum, and stable games
Deconstruction of Infinite Extensive Games using coinduction
Degrees of Guaranteed Envy-Freeness in Finite Bounded Cake-Cutting Protocols
Design of an Optimal Bayesian Incentive Compatible Broadcast Protocol for Ad hoc Networks with Rational Nodes
Designing Exchange for Online Communities
Designing Incentive Schemes Based on Intervention: The Case of Imperfect Monitoring
Designing Incentive Schemes Based on Intervention: The Case of Perfect Monitoring
Determinacy and Decidability of Reachability Games with Partial Observation on Both Sides
Dichotomy for Voting Systems
Direct Proofs of Order Independence
Discrete Nondeterminism and Nash Equilibria for Strategy-Based Games
Discrete Price Updates Yield Fast Convergence in Ongoing Markets with Finite Warehouses
Discretized Multinomial Distributions and Nash Equilibria in Anonymous Games
Disproof of the Neighborhood Conjecture with Implications to SAT
Disproving the Neighborhood Conjecture
Distributed iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies
Distributed Learning Policies for Power Allocation in Multiple Access Channels
Distributed Power Allocation with SINR Constraints Using Trial and Error Learning