Waiting time models of cancer progression
Walks on SPR Neighborhoods
War of attrition with implicit time cost
Watching Conformations of Biomolecules: a Microwave Spectroscopy Approach
Water and molecular chaperones act as weak links of protein folding networks: energy landscape and punctuated equilibrium changes point towards a game theory of proteins
Watson-Crick pairing, the Heisenberg group and Milnor invariants
Wave and quantum properties of peptide strings: defining a helix in spacetime
Wave->Diffusion Transition in Microtubules
Waveform sample method of excitable sensory neuron
Weak pairwise correlations imply strongly correlated network states in a neural population
Weber's law implies neural discharge more regular than a Poisson process
Weight-conserving characterization of complex functional brain networks
Weighted and unweighted network of amino acids within protein
Weighted genomic distance can hardly impose a bound on the proportion of transpositions
Weighted-Codon-Usage Based Phylogeny In Ectocarpales
What can one learn from two-state single molecule trajectories?
What can we learn from noncoding regions of similarity between genomes?
What do neural nets and quantum theory tell us about mind and reality?
What does photon energy tell us about cellphone safety?
What one can learn from experiments about the elusive transition state?