K-Winners-Take-All Computation with Neural Oscillators
Kernel matrix regression
Kernel methods for in silico chemogenomics
Kernel methods in genomics and computational biology
Keynotes on membrane proteomics
Killing of targets by effector CD8$^+$T cells in the mouse spleen follows the law of mass action
Kinesin as an electrostatic machine
Kinetic Accessibility of Buried DNA Sites in Nucleosomes
Kinetic barriers in RNA unzipping
Kinetic Monte Carlo Method for Rule-based Modeling of Biochemical Networks
Kinetic proofreading of gene activation by chromatin remodeling
Kinetic regulation of coated vesicle secretion
Kinetics of binding and geometry of cells on molecular biochips
Kinetics of Muller's Ratchet from Adaptive Landscape Viewpoint
Kinetics of protein-DNA interaction: facilitated target location in sequence-dependent potential
Kinetics of target site localization of a protein on DNA: a stochastic approach
Kinetics of viral self-assembly: the role of ss RNA antenna
Knockouts, Robustness and Cell Cycles
Knot-controlled ejection of a polymer from a virus capsid
Knowledge-based energy functions for computational studies of proteins