Back-stepping, hidden substeps, and conditional dwell times in molecular motors
Back-translation for discovering distant protein homologies
Backcalculation of the disease-age specific frequency of secondary transmission of primary pneumonic plague
Background radiation effects and hazards in planetary instrumentation
Backpropagation training in adaptive quantum networks
Bacteria are not Lamarckian
Bacterial Community Reconstruction Using A Single Sequencing Reaction
Bacterial gene regulation in diauxic and nondiauxic growth
Bacterial self-organisation and computation
Bacterial tracking of motile algae assisted by algal cell's vorticity field
Bacteriophage-mediated competition in Bordetella bacteria
BAK1 Gene Variation: the doubts remain
Balance between cell survival and death: a minimal quantitative model of tumor necrosis factor alpha cytotoxicity
Barcoding-free BAC Pooling Enables Combinatorial Selective Sequencing of the Barley Gene Space
Base pair interactions and hybridization isotherms of matched and mismatched oligonucleotide probes on microarrays
Base sequence dependent sliding of proteins on DNA
Bayes estimators for phylogenetic reconstruction
Bayesian analysis of biological networks: clusters, motifs, cross-species correlations
Bayesian design of synthetic biological systems
Bayesian hierarchical reconstruction of protein profiles including a digestion model