Towards Kinetic Modeling of Global Metabolic Networks with Incomplete Experimental Input on Kinetic Parameters
Towards Modeling HIV Long Term Behavior
Towards Quantitative Classification of Folded Proteins in Terms of Elementary Functions
Towards quantitative prediction of proteasomal digestion patterns of proteins
Towards Solving the Inverse Protein Folding Problem
Towards Structural Classification of Proteins based on Contact Map Overlap
Towards Structure-Property-Function Relationships for Eumelanin
Towards the Human Genotope
Towards understanding the immune system
Towards Understanding the Origin of Genetic Languages
Toxin-allelopathy among phytoplankton species prevents competitive exclusion
Toy Models and Statistical Mechanics of Subgraphs and Motifs of Genetic and Protein Networks
Tracking of individual freely diffusing fluorescent protein molecules in the bacterial cytoplasm
Tracking tumor evolution via the prostate marker PSA: An individual post-operative study
Tradeoff between short-term and long-term adaptation in a changing environment
Traffic of cytoskeletal motors with disordered attachment rates
Trafficking Coordinate Description of Intracellular Transport Control of Signaling Networks
Trail formation based on directed pheromone deposition
Trait-dependent extinction leads to greater expected biodiversity loss
Transcription and noise in negative feedback loops