The σlaw of evolutionary dynamics in community-structured populations
THEA: ontology-driven analysis of microarray data
Theoretical Analysis of Subthreshold Oscillatory Behaviors in Nonlinear Autonomous Systems
Theoretical analysis of the role of chromatin interactions in long-range action of enhancers and insulators
Theoretical Aspects of Immunity
Theoretical Framework and Empirical Modeling for Time Required to Vaccinate a Population in an Epidemic
Theoretical frameworks for neuroeconomics of intertemporal choice
Theoretical results for chemotactic response and drift of E. coli in a weak attractant gradient
Theoretical Studies of Structure-Function Relationships in Kv Channels: Electrostatics of the Voltage Sensor
Theories on PHYlogenetic ReconstructioN (PHYRN)
Theory for stability and regulation of epigenetic landscapes
Theory of DNA translocation through narrow ion channels and nanopores with charged walls
Theory of genomic dark matter and biological relativity
Theory of Hantavirus Infection Spread Incorporating Localized Adult and Itinerant Juvenile Mice
Theory of Home Range Estimation from Mark-Recapture Measurements of Animal Populations
Theory of input spike auto- and cross-correlations and their effect on the response of spiking neurons
Theory of Interaction of Memory Patterns in Layered Associative Networks
Theory of localized synfire chain
Theory of Nucleosome Corkscrew Sliding in the Presence of Synthetic DNA Ligands
Theory of spike timing based neural classifiers