Designing the Dynamics of Spiking Neural Networks
Desynchronization and sustainability of noisy metapopulation cycles
Desynchronizing effect of high-frequency stimulation in a generic cortical network model
Detecting Directional Selection from the Polymorphism Frequency Spectrum
Detecting Robust Patterns in the Spread of Epidemics: A Case Study of Influenza in the United States and France
Detection of an ancient principle and an elegant solution to the protein classification problem
Detection of Aneuploidy with Digital PCR
Detection of confinement and jumps in single molecule membrane trajectories
Detection of mixed-culture growth in the total biomass data by wavelet transforms
Detection of Peptidic Sequences in the Ancient Acidic Sediments of Río Tinto, Spain
Detection of subthreshold pulses in neurons with channel noise
Detection of the dominant direction of information flow in densely interconnected regulatory networks
Detergents and Chaotropes for Protein Solubilization before Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis
Detergents and chaotropes for protein solubilization before two-dimensional electrophoresis
Determinants of bistability in induction of the Escherichia coli lac operon
Determinants of sexual transmission of HV: implications for control
Determination and Spectroscopy of Quantum Yields in Bio/Chemiluminescence via Novel Light-Collection-Efficiency Calibration: Reexamination of The Aqueous Luminol Chemiluminescence Standard
Determination of barrier heights and prefactors from protein folding rate data
Determination of factors governing fibrillogenesis of polypeptide chains using lattice models
Determination of important nuclear fragmentation processes for human space radiation protection