Analysis of interaction partners of H4 histone by a new proteomics approach
Analysis of the impact degree distribution in metabolic networks using branching process approximation
Analytic methods for modeling stochastic regulatory networks
Analytical distributions for stochastic gene expression
Analytical Solution of a Stochastic Content Based Network Model
Anomalies in the transcriptional regulatory network of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Application of Random Matrix Theory to Biological Networks
ARACNE: An Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Networks in a Mammalian Cellular Context
Are Genetically Robust Regulatory Networks Dynamically Different from Random Ones?
Associative learning in biochemical networks
Assortative mixing in Protein Contact Networks and protein folding kinetics
Asymptotic Evolution of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks for General Duplication-Divergence Models
Atmospheric reaction systems as null-models to identify structural traces of evolution in metabolism
Attractors in continuous and Boolean networks
Attribute Exploration of Gene Regulatory Processes