Getting DNA twist rigidity from single molecule experiments
Global optimization of proteins using a dynamical lattice model: Ground states and energy landscapes
Ground state and glass transition of the RNA secondary structure
Group theory of icosahedral virus capsids: a dynamical top-down approach
Halophilic life on Mars ?
Heisenberg uncertainty principle for thermal response of the microtubules excited by ultra-short laser pulses
Helices in Biomolecules
Helix-coil Transition in Closed Circular DNA
Hidden Structure in Protein Energy Landscapes
Hidden symmetries in primary sequences of small alpha proteins
Hierarchy of events in protein folding: beyond the Go model
High fidelity of RecA-catalyzed recombination: a watchdog of genetic diversity
High resolution protein folding with a transferable potential
Homochiral growth through enantiomeric cross-inhibition
Homochirality and the need of energy
Homochirality as the signature of life: the SETH Cigar
Homochirality in an early peptide world
Homochirality of Biomolecules: Counter-Arguments Against Critical Notes
Homogeneity tests for Michaelis-Menten curves with application to fluorescence resonance energy transfer data
Hot and Cold Spring Deposits as a Source of Palaeo-Fluid Samples on Mars