Halophilic life on Mars ?
Heisenberg uncertainty principle for thermal response of the microtubules excited by ultra-short laser pulses
Helices in Biomolecules
Helix-coil Transition in Closed Circular DNA
Hidden Structure in Protein Energy Landscapes
Hidden symmetries in primary sequences of small alpha proteins
Hierarchy of events in protein folding: beyond the Go model
High fidelity of RecA-catalyzed recombination: a watchdog of genetic diversity
High resolution protein folding with a transferable potential
Homochiral growth through enantiomeric cross-inhibition
Homochirality and the need of energy
Homochirality as the signature of life: the SETH Cigar
Homochirality in an early peptide world
Homochirality of Biomolecules: Counter-Arguments Against Critical Notes
Homogeneity tests for Michaelis-Menten curves with application to fluorescence resonance energy transfer data
Hot and Cold Spring Deposits as a Source of Palaeo-Fluid Samples on Mars
How a protein searches for its specific site on DNA: the role of intersegment transfer
How accurate are polymer models in the analysis of Forster resonance energy transfer experiments on proteins?
How do proteins search for their specific sites on coiled or globular DNA
How knots influence properties of proteins