A global view of drug-therapy interactions
A growth model for RNA secondary structures
A helicoidal transfer matrix model for inhomogeneous DNA melting
A Hydrophobic Gate in an Ion Channel: The Closed State of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor
A Kinetic Model Describing the Processivity of Myosin-V
A mean-field version of the Nicodemi-Prisco SSB model for X-chromosome inactivation
A model for processivity of molecular motors
A model for the accidental catalysis of protein unfolding in vivo
A natural mechanism for l-homochiralization of prebiotic aminoacids
A New Form-Factor Method for the Analysis of Tissue Fluorescence
A new formalism for calculation of the partition function of single stranded nucleic acids
A new series of polyhedra as blueprints for viral capsids in the family of Papovaviridae
A Note on Genome Organisation in RNA Viruses with Icosahedral Symmetry
A novel canonical dual computational approach for prion AGAAAAGA amyloid fibril molecular modeling
A novel method for identification of local conformational changes in proteins
A Phenomenological model of Myosin II dynamics in the presence of external loads
A Preliminary Work on Evolutionary Identification of Protein Variants and New Proteins on Grids
A protein structural alphabet and its substitution matrix CLESUM
A quantum mechanical analysis of the light-harvesting complex 2 from purple photosynthetic bacteria. Insights into the electrostatic effects of transmembrane helices
A radical pathway for organic phosphorylation during schreibersite corrosion with implications for the origin of life