Pulsations of Rapidly Oscillating Ap Stars and Vertical Structure of their Atmospheres
Pulsations of rapidly rotating stellar models based on the Self-Consistent-Field method: numerical aspects and accuracy
Pulsations of stellar models in H and He burning phases
Pulsations of the B[e]-type component in the CI camelopardalis system
Pulsations of the continuum solar radio emission at meter wavelengths
Pulsations of the geomagnetic field prior to solar proton flares
Pulsations of the geomagnetic field prior to solar proton flares
Pulsations of the Low Mass ZZ Ceti Star HS 1824+6000
Pulsations of the Oe Star ζ Ophiuchi from MOST Satellite Photometry and Ground-based Spectroscopy
Pulsations of the R Coronae Borealis stars
Pulsations of the Radio Emission of the Solar Corona
Pulsations of the solar metric radio continuum
Pulsations of the sun: 30 years of measurements
Pulsations of the water-vapor maser in NGC 7538 IRS 1 with a period of about 0.9 year
Pulsations of Uu-Herculis - Theoretical Approach
Pulsations of white dwarf stars with thick hydrogen or helium surface layers
Pulsations of WR stars: results of a 3 year survey of 6 WR stars.
Pulsations of λ4686 (He II) in DQ Herculis.
Pulsations, Boundary Layers, and Period Bounce in the Cataclysmic Variable RE J1255+266
Pulsations, chemical composition and multiplicity in main-sequence A- and F-type stars