Pulsations in Proto-Planetary Nebulae as seen From Light Curve Studies
Pulsations in red supergiants with high L/M ratio -- Implications for the stellar and circumstellar structure of supernova progenitors
Pulsations in the atmosphere of the rapidly oscillating Ap star 10 Aquilae
Pulsations in the atmosphere of the rapidly oscillating star 33 Lib
Pulsations in the atmosphere of the roAp star HD 24712 II. Theoretical models
Pulsations in the eclipsing variable system AS Camelopardalis
Pulsations in the late-type Be star HD 50209 detected by CoRoT
Pulsations in the Ultraviolet and X-Ray Spectra of VELA X-1
Pulsations in the UV and X-ray Spectra of VELA X-1
Pulsations In Two-ribbon Flares: Waves, Reconnection Or Both?
Pulsations in β Pictoris
Pulsations induced by deuterium-burning in young brown dwarfs
Pulsations of a rotating star
Pulsations of cosmic rays before solar proton bursts from ground-based observational data
Pulsations of Cosmic-Rays Before Solar Proton Bursts from Groundbased Observational Data
Pulsations of intermediate-mass metal-rich AGB long period variables.
Pulsations of luminous intermediate-mass stars with applications to UU Herculis
Pulsations of massive ZZ Ceti stars with carbon/oxygen and oxygen/neon cores
Pulsations of Microwave Emission and Flare Plasma Diagnostics
Pulsations of microwave flaring emission at low and high frequencies