Pulsational Instability of Cepheid Models.
Pulsational Instability of Massive Stars in the Regions of Beta Cephei Variables
Pulsational instability of relativistic accretion disks and its connection to the periodic X-ray time variability of NGC 6814
Pulsational Instability of Stars during Deuterium Burning
Pulsational instability of yellow hypergiants
Pulsational Instability towards Non-radial Oscillations in Homogeneous Stars of Small Mass
Pulsational line profile variation of the roAp star HR 3831
Pulsational long-term behavior of the cool oxygen-rich Mira variable R Leonis
Pulsational long-term behaviour of the cool oxygen-rich Mira variable R Leonis. I - The data
Pulsational Mapping of Calcium Across the Surface of a White Dwarf
Pulsational Mass Dumping in the cF + B Binary HD 207739
Pulsational mass dumping in the cF+B binary HD 207739.
Pulsational Mass Loss and Cepheid Evolution
Pulsational Mode and Detection of Gravitational Wave Source
Pulsational mode and detection of gravitational wave source
Pulsational Mode Constraints for the Rapidly Oscillating Ap-Star HR1217
Pulsational mode of gravitational collapse and its impact on the star formation
Pulsational mode switching in HD 161796.
Pulsational mode-typing in line profile variables. I - Four Beta Cephei stars
Pulsational mode-typing in line profile variables. II - rho Puppis and delta Scuti