''Homogeneous'' Gravitational Field in General Relativity ?
'98 - 99 Annual Meeting and Symposium of Shanghai Astronomical Society (Shanghai (China), 16 Apr 1999).
'A crossroad on physics & eclipses of the Sun'
'Abnormal' Emission Line Intensities of Hydrogen
'Activity' in RS CVn stars, and how to characterize it
'AdS_5' Geometry Beyond Space-time and 4D Noncommutative Space-time
'Alfven wing' models of the induced electrical current system at Io - A probe of the ionosphere of Io
'Ali Qushji and Regiomontanus: eccentric transformations and Copernican Revolutions
'Antigravity' Propulsion and Relativistic Hyperdrive
'BATSE Data Analysis'
'Blue clearings' on Mars in August and September 1971 and their connection with dust clouds
'Boomerang' orbits and their numerical determination
'C10-micrometer' a 10 micron camera at CFHT presentation and initial results
'Cavities' in the intergalactic medium
'Cavities' in the intergalactic medium
'Centenaries for 2006'
'Chemical abundances in H II regions and their implications -- Retrospective on: M. Peimbert & R. Costero, Boletin de los Observatorios de Tonantzintla y Tacubaya, Vol. 5, 3, 1969'
'Chemical structure' in the red giant Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, and the age of the galactic disk
'Clean and Restore' technique applied to observations from the 'Westerbork Synthesis Radiotelescope' and from the 'Northern Cross radiotelescope'
'Cold' material in non-thermal sources