Cyclotron emissivity in accreting neutron stars
Cyclotron Features Formed by Anizotropic Relativistic Electrons in the Spectra of X-ray Pulsars
Cyclotron harmonics in opacities of isolated neutron star atmospheres
Cyclotron Heating of the Solar Corona
Cyclotron Line Features from Near-Critical Fields II: on the Effect of Anisotropic Radiation Fields
Cyclotron line features in the spectrum of the transient X-ray pulsar X0115 + 634
Cyclotron Line Formation in a Radiation-driven Outflow
Cyclotron Line Formation in a Relativistic Outflow
Cyclotron line profiles and photon diffusion in a hot plasma
Cyclotron line resonant transfer through neutron star atmospheres
Cyclotron lines - A possible clue to the origin of gamma ray bursts
Cyclotron lines - The next 100 years
Cyclotron lines and hard gamma ray spectrum of gamma ray bursters: magnetic polar cap models.
Cyclotron lines from HER X-1
Cyclotron lines in gamma-ray bursts and magnetic field decay
Cyclotron lines in the hard X-ray spectrum of Hercules X-1
Cyclotron lines in X-ray pulsars as a probe of relativistic plasmas in superstrong magnetic fields
Cyclotron Maser Emission from Blazar Jets?
Cyclotron Modeling of the Polar CP Tuc
Cyclotron modeling phase-resolved infrared spectroscopy of polars I: EF Eridani