3D spectroscopy with VLT/GIRAFFE: I- the true Tully Fisher relationship at z~0.6
3D SPH Simulations of Giant Herbig-Haro Flows and Jet-Cloud Interactions in Star Formation Regions
3D SPH simulations of grain growth in protoplanetary disks
3D SPH simulations of grain growth in protoplanetary disks
3D SPH Simulations of Shocks in Accretion Flows around black holes
3D Spherical Analysis of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
3d Spinfoam Quantum Gravity: Matter as a Phase of the Group Field Theory
3D stability analysis of colliding winds in a double star system
3D stellar atmospheres for stellar structure models and asteroseismology
3D structure of the outer atmosphere: combining models and observations
3D Structures on Relativistic Jets
3D Studies of Neutral and Ionised Gas and Stars in Seyfert and Inactive Galaxies
3D Study of Solar Eruptions Using SDO and STEREO Observations
3D Sun Loop Tracer: A Tool for Stereoscopy of Coronal Loops for NASA's STEREO Mission
3D tomography of local interstellar gas and dust
3D turbulent reconnection driven current-sheet dynamics: solar applications
3D Velocity and Density Reconstructions of the Local Universe with Cosmicflows-1
3D Velocity Flows in Flare Productive and Dormant Active Regions
3D view of transient horizontal magnetic fields in the photosphere
3D weak lensing