GRB 090323 and GRB 090328: two long high-energy GRBs detected with Fermi
GRB 090423: Marking the Death of a Massive Star at z=8.2
GRB 090426: The Environment of a Rest-Frame 0.35-second Gamma-Ray Burst at Redshift z=2.609
GRB 090510: a short burst from a massive star ?
GRB 090618: different pulse temporal and spectral characteristics within a burst
GRB 090902B: afterglow observations and implications
GRB 090926A and Bright Late-time Fermi LAT GRB Afterglows
GRB 091127: The cooling break race on magnetic fuel
GRB 100418A: a Long GRB without a Bright Supernova in a High-Metallicity Host Galaxy
GRB 100614A and GRB 100615A: two extremely dark GRBs
GRB 100718A, 110709A, 111117A and 120107A: Faint high-energy gamma-ray photon emission from $Fermi$/LAT observations and demographic implications
GRB 110205A: Anatomy of a long gamma-ray burst
GRB 110328A/Swift J164449.3+573451: The Tidal Obliteration of a Deeply Plunging Star?
GRB afterglow light curves from realistic density profiles
GRB Afterglow Polarimetry: Past, Present and Future
GRB Afterglows with Energy Injection from a spinning down NS
GRB Astrophysics in the Swift Era and Beyond
GRB duration distribution considering the position of the Fermi
GRB Jet Beaming Angle Statistics
GRB Light Curves in the Relativistic Turbulence Model