Sample of LMXBs in the Galactic bulge. I. Optical and near-infrared constraints from the Virtual Observatory
Saturated magnetic field amplification at supernova shocks
Saturation of Magnetorotational Instability through Magnetic Field Generation
SAX J1808.4-3658: high resolution spectroscopy and decrease of pulsed fraction at low energies
Scaling Law of Relativistic Sweet-Parker Type Magnetic Reconnection
Scaling of the Anomalous Boost in Relativistic Jet Boundary Layer
Scaling ultraviolet outflows in Seyferts
Scalings of the synchrotron cut-off and turbulent correlation of active galactic nucleus jets
Schwarzschild black holes as unipolar inductors: expected electromagnetic power of a merger
Science highlights from the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Scientific Productivity with X-ray All-Sky Monitors
Scientific Prospects for Hard X-ray Polarimetry
SDSS J102347.6+003841: A Millisecond Radio Pulsar Binary That Had A Hot Disk During 2000-2001
Search for a correlation between ANTARES neutrinos and Pierre Auger Observatory UHECRs arrival directions
Search for a Dark Matter annihilation signal from the Galactic Center halo with H.E.S.S
Search for a diffuse flux of high-energy $ν_μ$ with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
Search for a diffuse flux of high-energy neutrinos with the Baikal neutrino telescope NT200
Search for a Lorentz-violating sidereal signal with atmospheric neutrinos in IceCube
Search for a neutrino flux from LS I +61 303 based on a time dependent model with IceCube
Search for an extended emission around blazars with the MAGIC telescope