K-band spectroscopy of IGR J16358-4726 and IGR J16393-4643: two new symbiotic X-ray binaries
K-shell photoionization of Nickel ions using R-matrix
KASCADE-Grande - Contributions to the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing, August, 2011
Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability of the Magnetopause of Disc-Accreting Stars
Key results from an XMM-Newton and Chandra study of a new sample of extreme ULXs from the 2XMM catalogue
KHz QPOs in LMXBs, relations between different frequencies and compactness of stars
kHz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 0614+09
Kick velocity induced by magnetic dipole and quadrupole radiation
Kilometer-Scale Neutrino Detectors: First Light
Kinematic Origin OF Correlations Between Gamma Ray Burst Observables
Kinetic Dissipation of Strongly Magnetized Relativistic Outflow and the Sigma Problem
Kinetic equilibrium of beta-processes in a nucleonic plasma with relativistic pairs
Kinetic simulations of turbulent magnetic-field growth by streaming cosmic rays
Klein-Nishina Effects on Optically Thin Synchrotron and Synchrotron Self-Compton Spectrum
Klein-Nishina effects on the high-energy afterglow emission of gamma-ray bursts
Klein-Nishina steps in the energy spectrum of galactic cosmic ray electrons
Kneelike structure in the spectrum of the heavy component of cosmic rays observed with KASCADE-Grande
Konus-Wind observations of the new soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 0501+4516
Kubo formulas for relativistic fluids in strong magnetic fields