F-GAMMA: On the phenomenological classification of continuum radio spectra variability patterns of Fermi blazars
FACT -- the First Cherenkov Telescope using a G-APD Camera for TeV Gamma-ray Astronomy (HEAD 2010)
Fading hard X-ray emission from the Galactic Centre molecular cloud Sgr B2
Fading of the X-ray flux from the black hole in the NGC 4472 globular cluster RZ 2109
Failed Gamma-Ray Bursts: Thermal UV/Soft X-ray Emission Accompanied by Peculiar Afterglows
Fall-Back Disks in Long and Short GRBs
Fallback Supernovae: A Possible Origin of Peculiar Supernovae with Extremely Low Explosion Energies
Faraday Conversion and Rotation In Uniformly Magnetized Relativistic Plasmas
Faraday rotation in the MOJAVE blazars: 3C 273 a case study
Fast infrared variability from a relativistic jet in GX 339-4
Fast optical variability of Naked-Eye Burst - manifestation of periodic activity of internal engine
Fast optical variability of SS 433
Fast radiation mediated shocks and supernova shock breakouts
Fast Shocks From Magnetic Reconnection Outflows
Fast Spectral Variability from Cygnus X-1
Fast TeV variability from misaligned minijets in the jet of M87
Fast TeV variability in blazars: jets in a jet
Fast time variations of supernova neutrino fluxes and their detectability
Fast Timing Analysis of Cygnus X-1 using SPI on board INTEGRAL
Fast transition of type-B QPO in the black hole transient XTE J1817-330