JEM-EUSO Science Objectives
Jet and accretion power in the most powerful Fermi blazars
Jet Formation in the magnetospheres of supermassive black holes: analytic solutions describing energy loss through Blandford-Znajek processes
Jet launching and field advection in quasi-Keplerian discs
Jet magnetically accelerated from disk-corona around a rotating black hole
Jet Precession Driven by Neutrino-Cooled Disc for Gamma-Ray Bursts
Jet propagations, breakouts and photospheric emissions in collapsing massive progenitors of long duration gamma ray bursts
Jet simulations and Gamma-ray burst afterglow jet breaks
Jet Suppression by Accretion Disk Winds in the Microquasar GRS 1915+105
Jet trails and Mach cones: The interaction of microquasars with the ISM
Jet-Cloud Interactions in AGNs
Jet/medium interactions at large scales
Jets and Gamma-Ray Burst Unification Schemes
Jets and outflows in Radio Galaxies: implications for AGN feedback
Jets at lowest mass accretion rates
Jets from black hole X-ray binaries: testing, refining and extending empirical models for the coupling to X-rays
Jets from Galactic binaries
Jets from Tidal Disruptions of Stars by Black Holes
Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei
Jets in high-mass microquasars