R-process Nucleosynthesis during the Magnetohydrodynamics Explosions of a Massive Star
Radial Distribution of X-ray Point Sources near the Galactic Center
Radial oscillations of color superconducting self-bound quark stars
Radially Extended, Stratified, Local Models of Isothermal Disks
Radiation from Comoving Poynting Flux Acceleration
Radiation from matter entrainment in astrophysical jets: the AGN case
Radiation from relativistic jets in turbulent magnetic fields
Radiation from relativistic shocks with turbulent magnetic fields
Radiation from sub-Larmor scale magnetic fields
Radiation Mechanisms and Physical Properties of GeV-TeV BL Lac Objects
Radiation Mechanisms and Physical Properties of GeV-TeV BL Lac Objects
Radiation of electrons in Weibel-generated fields: a general case
Radiation Pressure and Mass Ejection in Rho-like States of GRS 1915+105
Radiation Spectral Synthesis of Relativistic Filamentation
Radiative and dynamic stability of a dilute plasma
Radiative corrections to the neutron star mass inferred from QPO frequencies
Radiative efficiency and thermal spectrum of accretion onto Schwarzschild black holes
Radiative Models of Sagittarius A* and M87 from Relativistic MHD Simulations
Radiative Models of Sgr A* from GRMHD Simulations
Radiative Processes in High Energy Astrophysics