A new extensive catalog of optically variable AGN in the GOODS Fields and a new statistical approach to variability selection
A New Figure of Merit for Dark Energy Studies
A new gravitational lens from the MUSCLES survey: ULAS J082016.1+081216
A New Insight into the Classification of Type Ia Supernovae
A New interpretation of MOND based on Mach principle and an Unruh like effect
A New Light Boson from Cherenkov Telescopes Observations?
A new light boson from MAGIC observations?
A new luminosity relation for gamma-ray bursts and its implication
A new Luminous Variable in M33
A new measurement of the bulk flow of X-ray luminous clusters of galaxies
A new method for calculating the primordial bispectrum in the squeezed limit
A New Method for Measuring the Upper End of the IMF
A new method for the determination of the growth rate from galaxy redshift surveys
A new method to measure evolution of the galaxy luminosity function
A New Method to Quantify X-ray Substructures in Clusters of Galaxies
A New Microlensing Event in the Doubly-Imaged Quasar Q0957+561
A new model for the extragalactic gamma-ray background
A new model for the full shape of the large-scale power spectrum
A new model for the infrared emission of IRAS F10214+4724
A New Orientation Indicator for Radio-Quiet Quasars