S-Z power spectrum produced by primordial magnetic fields
Saas-Fee Lecture Notes: Multi-messenger Astronomy and Dark Matter
Sachs-Wolfe at second order: the CMB bispectrum on large angular scales
Saddle-point entropy states of equilibrated self-gravitating systems
SAGACE: the Spectroscopic Active Galaxies And Clusters Explorer
Sample variance in photometric redshift calibration: cosmological biases and survey requirements
Samples and statistics of CSS and GPS sources
Sandage-Loeb test for the new agegraphic and Ricci dark energy models
SAO-6m Telescope Spectroscopic Observations of Globular Clusters in Nearby Galaxies
Satellite abundances around bright isolated galaxies
Satellite galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations of Milky Way sized galaxies
Satellite Galaxy Number Density Profiles in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Satellite galaxy velocity dispersions in the SDSS and modified gravity models
Satellite Kinematics III: Halo Masses of Central Galaxies in SDSS
Satellite Survival in Highly Resolved Milky Way Class Halos
Satellites around massive galaxies since z~2
Satellites in the field and lens galaxies: SDSS/COSMOS vs. SLACS/CLASS
Satellites in the Local Group and Other Nearby Groups
SBS 0335-052E+W: deep VLT/FORS+UVES spectroscopy of the pair of the lowest-metallicity blue compact dwarf galaxies
Scalar Field Dark Energy Parametrization