B polarization of cosmic background radiation from second-order scattering sources
B,V,I - photometry of 20 dwarf irregular galaxies within 10 Mpc
B-mode CMB Polarization from Patchy Screening during Reionization
B-mode Detection with an Extended Planck Mission
B-mode polarization induced by gravitational waves from kinks on infinite cosmic strings
Back and forth from cool core to non-cool core: clues from radio-halos
Back Reaction from Walls
Background cosmological dynamics in $f(R)$ gravity and observational constraints
Backreaction as an alternative to dark energy and modified gravity
Backreaction in late-time cosmology
Backreaction on the luminosity-redshift relation from gauge invariant light-cone averaging
Backreaction: directions of progress
Backsplash galaxies in isolated clusters
Bacterial morphologies in carbonaceous meteorites and comet dust
Balancing the Baryon Budget: The fraction of the IGM due to Galaxy Mergers
Balancing the Cosmic Energy Budget: The Cosmic X-ray Background, Blazars and the Compton Thick AGN Fraction
Balancing the Energy Budget: Star-Formation versus AGN in High Redshift Infrared Luminous Galaxies
Bar fraction in lenticular galaxies: dependence on luminosity and environment
Bar pattern speed evolution over the last 7 Gyr
Bare and effective fluid description in brane world cosmology