N-body simulation of the Stephan's Quintet
N-Body Simulations for Coupled Scalar Field Cosmology
N-body Simulations for Extended Quintessence Models
N-body Simulations for f(R) Gravity using a Self-adaptive Particle-Mesh Code
N-Body Simulations of DGP and Degravitation Theories
N-body simulations with generic non-Gaussian initial conditions I: Power Spectrum and halo mass function
N-body simulations with generic non-Gaussian initial conditions II: Halo bias
N-z Relation and CMB Anisotropies in the Universe with an Oscillating Scalar Field Having a Null Field State
Nainital Microlensing Survey -- detection of short period Cepheids in the disk of M31
Nancay radiotelescope as part of the international Pulsar Timing campaigns
Narrow UV Absorption Line Outflows from Quasars
Narrow-Line AGNs: confirming the relationship between metallicity and accretion rate
Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies: an amasing class of AGN
Narrowband imaging of Escaping Lyman-Continuum Emission in the SSA22 Field
Natural Hybrid Inflation Model with Large Non-Gaussianity
Natural Neutrino Dark Energy
Natural Warm Inflation
Naturality, unification and dark matter
Nature and nurture of early-type dwarf galaxies in low density environments
Nature of Clustering of Large Scale Structures