Q2122-444: a naked AGN fully dressed
QCD Effects in Cosmology
QCD-scale modified-gravity universe
QPO in RE J1034+396: model constraints from observed trends
QSO 0347-383 and the invariance of m_p/m_e in the course of cosmic time
QSO absorption systems detected in Ne VIII: Evidence for high-metallicity, multiphase gas far from galaxies
QSO Selection and Photometric Redshifts with Neural Networks
Quadra-Spectrum and Quint-Spectrum from Inflation and Curvaton Models
Quadratic Gravitational Lagrangian with Torsion Can Give Possible Explanations of the Form of Galactic Rotation Curves, of the Amount of Intergalactic Lensings, and of the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe
Quadrature algorithms to the luminosity distance with a time-dependent dark energy model
Quantified HI Morphology I: Multi-Wavelengths Analysis of the THINGS Galaxies
Quantified HI Morphology II : Lopsidedness and Interaction in WHISP Column Density Maps
Quantified HI Morphology III: Merger Visibility Times from HI in Galaxy Simulations
Quantified HI Morphology IV: The Merger Fraction and Rate in WHISP
Quantified HI Morphology V: HI Disks in the Virgo Cluster
Quantified Morphology of HI Disks in the Universe
Quantifying cosmic variance
Quantifying distortions of the Lagrangian dark-matter mesh in cosmology
Quantifying dwarf satellites through gravitational imaging: the case of SDSS J120602.09+514229.5
Quantifying galactic morphological transformations in the cluster environment