M - sigma relation between SMBHs and the velocity dispersion of the globular cluster systems
M-flation and its spectators
M/L and Color Evolution for A Deep Sample of M* Cluster Galaxies at z~1: The Formation Epoch and the Tilt of the Fundamental Plane
M82 as a Galaxy: Morphology and Stellar Content of the Disk and Halo
M94 As A Unique Testbed for Black Hole Mass Estimates and AGN Activity At Low Luminosities
MACSJ1423.8+2404: Gravitational Lensing by a Massive, Relaxed Cluster of Galaxies at z=0.54
MADmap: A Massively Parallel Maximum-Likelihood Cosmic Microwave Background Map-Maker
MAGIC observations and multiwavelength properties of the quasar 3C279 in 2007 and 2009
MAGIC observations of the giant radio galaxy M87 in a low emission state between 2005 and 2007
MAGIC TeV Gamma-Ray Observations of Markarian 421 during Multiwavelength Campaigns in 2006
MaGICC Disks: Matching Observed Galaxy Relationships Over a Wide Stellar Mass Range
Magnetic Energy Injection in GRB 080913
Magnetic field amplification by shocks in galaxy clusters: application to radio relics
Magnetic Field Amplification by Small-Scale Dynamo Action: Dependence on Turbulence Models and Reynolds and Prandtl Numbers
Magnetic field contribution to the last electron-photon scattering
Magnetic field evolution in interacting galaxies
Magnetic field evolution in simulations with Euler potentials
Magnetic field generation in Higgs inflation model
Magnetic field strength and spectral distribution of six parsec-scale active galactic nuclei jets
Magnetic field structure due to the global velocity field in spiral galaxies