A Mismatch in the Ultraviolet Spectra between Low-Redshift and Intermediate-Redshift Type Ia Supernovae as a Possible Systematic Uncertainty for Supernova Cosmology
A Model For Polarised Microwave Foreground Emission From Interstellar Dust
A model for the cosmological evolution of low frequency radio sources
A Model for the Offsets between X-ray and Radio Emission from Large Scale AGN Jets
A model independent measure of the large scale curvature of the Universe
A model independent null test on the cosmological constant
A model of interacting holographic dark energy at the Ricci's scale
A Model of Universe Anisotropization
A Moderate Cooling Flow Phase at Galaxy Formation
A modified Ricci scalar as an interacting model of holographic dark energy
A modified star formation law as a solution to open problems in galaxy evolution
A Molecular Star Formation Law in the Atomic Gas Dominated Regime in Nearby Galaxies
A Monster in the early Universe
A Monte Carlo Approach to Evolution of the Far-Infrared Luminosity Function with BLAST
A more general interacting model of holographic dark energy
A More General Model for the Intrinsic Scatter in Type Ia Supernova Distance Moduli
A Multi-Parameter Investigation of Gravitational Slip
A Multi-wavelength analysis of M81: insight on the nature of Arp's loop
A multi-wavelength analysis of Spitzer selected Coma Cluster galaxies: star formation rates and masses
A multi-wavelength approach to the properties of Extremely Red Galaxy populations: I - Contribution to the Star Formation Rate density and AGN content