Improved simulation of non-Gaussian temperature and polarization CMB maps
Improvements in the X-ray luminosity function and constraints on the Cosmological parameters from X-ray luminous clusters
Improving CMB non-Gaussianity estimators using tracers of local structure
Improving measurements of H(z) and Da(z) by analyzing clustering anisotropies
Improving PSF modelling for weak gravitational lensing using new methods in model selection
Improving the Estimation of Star formation Rates and Stellar Population Ages of High-redshift Galaxies from Broadband Photometry
Improving the identification of high-z Herschel sources with position priors and optical/NIR and FIR/mm photometric redshifts
Improving three-dimensional mass mapping with weak gravitational lensing through a synergy with galaxy clustering
In Pursuit of the Least Luminous Galaxies
In Situ Probes of the First Galaxies and Reionization: Gamma-ray Bursts
In The Neighbourhood of Tame Monsters: A study of galaxies near low-redshift quasars
In the whirlpool's coils: tracing substructure from combined optical/X-ray data in the galaxy cluster A1300
In-spiraling Clumps in Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies
Incidence of MgII absorbers towards Blazars and the GRB/QSO puzzle
Including Absorption in Gordon's Optical Metric
Inclusive Constraints on Unified Dark Matter Models from Future Large-Scale Surveys
Inconsequence of Galaxy Major Mergers in Driving Star Formation at z>1: Insights from Cosmological Simulations
Inconsistency between WMAP data and released map
Incorporating Photometric Redshift Probability Density Information into Real-Space Clustering Measurements
Increasing evidence for hemispherical power asymmetry in the five-year WMAP data