Impacts of Dark Stars on Reionization and Signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background
Impacts of Source Properties on Strong Lensing by Rich Galaxy Clusters
Implementation of feedback in SPH: towards concordance of methods
Implementation of PhotoZ under Astro-WISE - A photometric redshift code for large datasets
Implementing the DC Mode in Cosmological Simulations with Supercomoving Variables
Implications for dwarf spheroidal mass content from interloper removal
Implications for Primordial Non-Gaussianity (f_NL) from weak lensing masses of high-z galaxy clusters
Implications for the structure of the relativistic jet from multiwavelength observations of NGC 6251
Implications of a High Angular Resolution Image of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in RXJ1347-1145
Implications of bias evolution on measurements of the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect: errors and biases in parameter estimation
Implications of Broken Symmetry for Superhorizon Conservation Theorems in Cosmology
Implications of Dramatic Broad Absorption Line Variability in the Quasar FBQS J1408+3054
Implications of Fermi Observations for Hadronic Models of Radio Halos in Clusters of Galaxies
Implications of Graviton-Graviton Interaction to Dark Matter
Implications of infalling Fe II - emitting clouds in active galactic nuclei: anisotropic properties
Implications of Mirror Dark Matter on Neutron Stars
Implications of multiple high-redshift galaxy clusters
Implications of the remarkable homogeneity of galaxy groups and clusters
Implications on Inelastic Dark Matter from 100 Live Days of XENON100 Data
Implications on the blazar sequence and inverse Compton models from Fermi bright blazars